Accueil > escort > toutes > departement- > The Queen Of All Courtesans
(I don't speak French, it's just for convenience I speak English) Hello dear customer, Welcome to my ad!!️ You will find here the prices well presented for your comfort.
I prefer that you inform me 5 days in advance to book in my agenda. When you have made your decision Escort or Private, you inform me decently when and where you want to meet. The meeting will only take place after a deposit to guarantee your reservation! After receiving your deposit, we can plan the unforgettable appointment! I prefer you to be clean, well behaved and kind. Prices are not high to meet sophisticated men and women 🕑 OPEN 2:00 PM CLOSED 8:00 PM 🕗
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Date de l'annonce : 2024-10-13 21:49:30
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